Thursday, May 22, 2008

Here we go...

For years I’ve thought that I wanted to write more articles to go on the michtrack website, but I’ve been hampered by the facts of life. Mainly, that I don’t pay well. So most of my track articles have gone into other publications and websites because of my need to pay the bills. And then there are the time constraints. I just have a bad habit of overloading myself. Currently in addition to teaching English at Pinckney High School (I have four pounds of short stories to grade currently… the Shakespeare papers are coming up next), I do my share of chores (two kids and a wife who’s busy with nursing school) and I am finishing up an MFA degree in creative writing, putting the finishing touches on my first novel.

So it’s not like I have time to do this, or that I suddenly have no need for money. But I am starting to wonder if blogging little bits here and there might be a viable way to get things off my chest now and then. And it’s probably cheaper than therapy…

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